Announcement of purchase of treasury shares
Pursuant to article 228 of Royal Legislative Decree 4/2015, of October 23, approving the consolidated text of the Securities Market Law, Ercros, S.A. (Hereinafter "the Company"), by means of this letter, hereby announces the following
Following the relevant events (number 244,657 and 247,218) published on November 11, 2016 and January 17, 2017, respectively, the Company reports that, under the share repurchase programs, it has carried out, during the period between February 20, 2017 and February 24, 2017, the following operations on its treasury shares:
Following the relevant events (number 244,657 and 247,218) published on November 11, 2016 and January 17, 2017, respectively, the Company reports that, under the share repurchase programs, it has carried out, during the period between February 20, 2017 and February 24, 2017, the following operations on its treasury shares:
Ercros garanteix que els fets rellevants que figuren en aquesta pàgina es corresponen exactament amb els remesos per la Societat a la CNMV, i difosos per aquesta al mercat. Els fets anteriors als inclosos en aquest apartat, es troben disponibles en la web de la CNMV.