Ercros Shareholders’ Meeting renews the board
The Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting of Ercros, which was held today in Barcelona, has approved all the proposed resolutions contained in the agenda, among which are the re-election of the executive director, Antonio Zabalza Martí, and directors framed in the category of "other external directors" Laureano Roldán Aguilar and Eduardo Sánchez Morrondo, and the appointment as independent directors of Jordi Dagà Sancho and Lourdes Vega Fernández. The number of members of Ercros’ Board of Directors has been fixed at five.
Ercros garanteix que els fets rellevants que figuren en aquesta pàgina es corresponen exactament amb els remesos per la Societat a la CNMV, i difosos per aquesta al mercat. Els fets anteriors als inclosos en aquest apartat, es troben disponibles en la web de la CNMV.