Ercros obtains profit of EUR 24 million
Ercros ended the first half of 2017 with profit of EUR 23.96 million, up 22% on the same period last year.
The increase in the profit obtained in the first half of 2017 in comparison to that obtained in the same period in 2016 is particularly relevant because it occurred against the backdrop of a sharp increase in the price of the raw materials and is indicative of the boom our markets are experiencing.
During the first six months of 2017, revenue amounted to EUR 355.86 million, 13.2% more than that obtained in the first half of 2016. This increase can be explained by the strong demand, especially in the domestic market, and improved margins.
The increase in the profit obtained in the first half of 2017 in comparison to that obtained in the same period in 2016 is particularly relevant because it occurred against the backdrop of a sharp increase in the price of the raw materials and is indicative of the boom our markets are experiencing.
During the first six months of 2017, revenue amounted to EUR 355.86 million, 13.2% more than that obtained in the first half of 2016. This increase can be explained by the strong demand, especially in the domestic market, and improved margins.
Ercros garanteix que els fets rellevants que figuren en aquesta pàgina es corresponen exactament amb els remesos per la Societat a la CNMV, i difosos per aquesta al mercat. Els fets anteriors als inclosos en aquest apartat, es troben disponibles en la web de la CNMV.