Ercros renews the syndicated financing agreement
Ercros and a pool of financial institutions reached last Friday 27 an agreement to renew, at maturity, the current line of financing available, amounting to EUR 102.14 million, implemented through a syndicated factoring agreement that anticipates accounts to charge customers.
The duration of the current factoring line is three years plus two renewable annually. The financial entities signing the new contract are BBVA, Banco Popular, Banco Santander, Credit Agricole, Banco Sabadell and Caixabank.
The duration of the current factoring line is three years plus two renewable annually. The financial entities signing the new contract are BBVA, Banco Popular, Banco Santander, Credit Agricole, Banco Sabadell and Caixabank.
Ercros garanteix que els fets rellevants que figuren en aquesta pàgina es corresponen exactament amb els remesos per la Societat a la CNMV, i difosos per aquesta al mercat. Els fets anteriors als inclosos en aquest apartat, es troben disponibles en la web de la CNMV.