Rectification relevant event number 267544

As a typographical error was noticed in the relevant event number 267544 published on Wednesday, July 4, 2018, the following rectification is reported:

In the third paragraph of the aforementioned relevant event, where it says "execute the reduction of social capital by the amount of 932,897 euros" it must say "execute the reduction of social capital by the amount of 930,897 euros".

This information has been published today in the Official Bulletin of the Mercantile Registry ("Borme") and in the corporate website of Ercros ("").

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Ercros garanteix que els fets rellevants que figuren en aquesta pàgina es corresponen exactament amb els remesos per la Societat a la CNMV, i difosos per aquesta al mercat. Els fets anteriors als inclosos en aquest apartat, es troben disponibles en la web de la CNMV.