Ercros, one of the first chemical companies to be certified by the AEAT as an authorized economic operator

Trusted partner of the customs administration

Since 2011, Ercros is an authorized economic operator (AEO) and authorized exporter (EA) by the Customs and Special Taxes Department of the State Tax Administration Agency (AEAT by its acronym in Spanish). With this certification, the EU highlights exporting and importing companies that can be considered trusted partners of the customs administration.

The granting of this distinction reinforces the image of Ercros in the logistics sector of all EU countries and, by extension, much of the world, and allows it to obtain operational advantages like: the streamlining of customs procedures or the establishment of a fluid communication channel with the customs authorities.

Truck leaving the Cerdanyola factory
Truck leaving the Cerdanyola factory

Ercros AEO certificate

Logo AEO

Concession agreement

ES AEOC 11000137YQ (in Spanish)