Inside information

Following you can consult the inside information communications about Ercros that have been sent to the CNMV.

Ercros guarantees that the relevant facts contained on this page correspond exactly to those sent by the Company to the CNMV, and disseminated by it to the market. The facts prior to those included in this section are available on the CNMV website.
Shareholder capital
Ercros has received a communication from around 150 shareholders, mainly individuals, not accepting the voluntary takeover bids presented, respectively, by Bondalti Ibérica, S.L.U., and by Esseco Industrial, S.p.A.
Shareholder capital
Trecate (Italy),
The offer is EUR 3.84 per share and represents a premium of 50.0% compared to the unaffected price (EUR 2.56 per share) and a premium of 6.7% compared to the initial offer (EUR 3.60 per share). The compensation will be in cash and amounts to a maximum total of EUR 351,115,004.16.
Shareholder capital
Trecate (Italy),
Esseco Industrial formulates a takeover offer, of a voluntary and competitive nature, for all of the shares of Ercros. The price offered is EUR 3.84 per share, which represents a total value of EUR 351.12 million, therefore higher than the consideration offered by Bondalti.
Shareholder capital
Bondalti Ibérica formulates a public takeover offer, of a voluntary nature, for all of the shares of Ercros for a price of 3.60 euros per share, which represents a total value of 329.17 million euros.