
A recognition of companies in the Spanish plastics sector that work for sustainability

We work for sustainability

The "Spanish and Sustainable Plastics Industry" (Ipes, by its acronym in Spanish) seal from the Spanish Association of Plastics Industries (Anaip) is a recognition of companies in the Spanish plastics sector that work for sustainability and, consequently, manage their impact social, economic and environmental level.

Anaip values ​​compliance with aspects such as investment in projects for energy savings and efficiency; the use of renewable energies; reducing water consumption; the use of biobased materials, and have elements that reduce the use of single-use containers and packaging, among others.

The Monzón factory has been certified with this seal in the category of two stars, out of three, and with compliance with 81.4% of the parameters.

Tanks of the Monzón factory
Raw material depots for PVC compounds production
Entrada a la fábrica de Ercros en Monzón
Entrada a la fábrica de Ercros en Monzón
The Monzón factory, certified as “Spanish and Sustainable Plastics Industry”
The Monzón factory, certified as “Spanish and Sustainable Plastics Industry”

Ipes certificate