AECA rewards Ercros corporate transparency

Ercros has been awarded a runner-up prize in the category of companies listed on the Ibex medium and small cap, in the XXI AECA Award for Business Transparency 2022.
The jury for this 21st edition of the prize, which is awarded annually by the Spanish Association of Accounting and Business Administration ("AECA"), was composed of representatives of the Institute of Accounting and Auditing ("ICAC"), the Institute of Internal Auditors ("IAI"), the Spanish Securities Market Commission ("CNMV"), the Bank of Spain and the Spanish Association of Registrars, among others.
This is the fourth time that AECA has awarded Ercros corporate transparency, given that in addition to the 2022 edition, it also received the recognition in 2014, 2018 and 2020.
The aim of this award is to make stock market reporting more efficient and to promote corporate transparency. It is a highly valued award with the prospect of becoming the benchmark in annual financial and corporate governance reporting.
Mari Carmen Cruzado, director of Ercros pharmaceuticals division, received the mention during the awards ceremony held yesterday afternoon in Madrid.