Almussafes factory staff take 7.7 million steps in 4 weeks


15 people from the Almussafes factory have participated in the Ercros Walk, Be Healthy and Win challenge and have added 7,701,035 steps in four weeks, which is equivalent to going and returning to Romania.

The winner was Alberto Estruch, with 825,177 accumulated steps, almost triple the average of 10,000 daily steps recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). As a reward, he received a relaxing stay for two people in a hotel with a spa.

Enrique Cuesta came in second position, with 784,969 steps and, after him, Nuria Torres, with 555,705 steps. Carlos Garcés, Jessica Gil and Sergio España were awarded another prize in a drawing at the end of the challenge.

It should be noted that all participants managed to achieve the objective of the challenge set: to promote the healthy habit of walking, exceeding in all cases the average of the recommended 10,000 steps per day. In addition, a healthy team spirit was created among some of the participants, and they often arranged to walk together during their free lunch break.