Chemical Engineering students from UAB visit Cerdanyola


A group of 30 students of the bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) have visited the Ercros factory in Cerdanyola.

The visit began in the meeting room, where the factory director and the head of industrial relations presented the company and the Cerdanyola plant along with its operations. Next, accompanied by the head of production and the head of security, the group took a guided tour of the facilities, stopping at the control room, the colour resolution unit, and the biological emissions treatment plant (bio-scrubber).

The students found the activity very valuable and appreciated the opportunity to gain firsthand experience of an industrial plant, as well as the explanations provided and Ercros’ initiative to open its centres to this type of experience.

For more information about the Cerdanyola factory in Ercros click here.