Ercros, awarded for its business transparency

Ercros has received the award for Business Transparency among IBEX Medium and Small Cap listed companies, awarded annually by the Spanish Association of Accounting and Business Administration (AECA). This recognition is the result of Ercros' continuous effort to transparently disclose financial, governance and sustainability information.
The AECA award highlights the importance of disseminating corporate and financial information, as well as social and environmental responsibility, through digital channels and corporate websites.
The jury responsible for awarding this prize is made up of public and private entities, such as the Spanish National Stock Market Commission (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores), the Spanish Central Bank (Banco de España), the Official College of Property and Mercantile Registers of Spain (Colegio de Registradores de España), the Spanish Institute of Internal Auditors (Instituto de Auditores Internos), the Spanish Accounting and Account Auditing Institute (Instituto de Contabilidad y Auditoría de Cuentas) and the XBRL Association in Spain (Asociación XBRL-España).
This is the fourth time that Ercros has been recognised by AECA, which reaffirms the company's commitment to transparency and excellence in the disclosure of corporate information.