Ercros collaborates in the expansion project of the hostel in Aranjuez

Ercros has collaborated in the project to expand the dining room and kitchen of the Centro de Transeúntes San Vicente de Paul de Aranjuez, which is jointly managed by Caritas Getafe and the Sisters Mercedarias de la Caridad.
The hostel offers food daily to 24 people, who generally live in the center temporarily and now, also, to some families at risk of exclusion who cannot cook due to lack of gas or electricity supply or housing problems.
For that reason, the center has been forced to place a new extractor hood, a heater and a fryer in the kitchen and to buy new furniture and paint the walls of the dining room, among other actions.
After the completion of the works, the hostel invited the managers of the center of Ercros in Aranjuez to show the reforms carried out, analyze the current situation of the region and address possible collaboration projects for the future.