The Ercros factory in Aranjuez has been accredited as a "healthy organisation"


The Ercros factory in Aranjuez has received the accreditation from the certifying company Aenor for its healthy organisation management system (“SIGOS”). This accreditation, in addition to including aspects on the prevention of people's health, focuses on the promotion of health and healthy lifestyles.

The factory is also certified for occupational health and safety management, according to ISO 45001, as well as other certifications such as environmental management, according to ISO 14001; quality management, according to ISO 9001; and energy management, according to ISO 50001; and verifies greenhouse gas emissions, according to ISO 14064-1.

In addition, this facility is certified for the safety of its production processes and products by the US Food and Drug Administration, FDA; and it operates according to international standards for good manufacturing practices, GMP, and good distribution practices, GDP.

For more information on the certifications of all Ercros production sites click here