Ercros guarantees the supply of critical products to prevent the spread of covid-19

Ercros, as a manufacturer of biocidal products –like chlorine, bleach, sodium, chlorite, hydrogen peroxide and ATCC– that are suitable for disinfection and effective in preventing the spread of covid 19 and other essential hygiene and food –like caustic soda, hydrochloric acid, formaldehyde and dicalcium phosphate–, is aware more than ever of its important responsibility and significant contribution to the health and safety of people.
In this sense, it’s taking the necessary measures to ensure the continuity of the supply of said products to its customers and collaborates with the authorities to prioritize, if necessary, in the future, their availability.
All Ercros factories are working normally: there’s no effect on production or on the supply of orders.
Simultaneously, in the event of the situation caused by this virus, Ercros is taking all the necessary measures to protect its personnel and prevent the virus form spreading. These measures –hygienic, organizational, operational, supply and logistics– comply with the provisions of Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, which declares the state of alarm for the management of the crisis situation health caused by covid 19.
The company has set up a monitoring committee for the corporate covid 19 and one in each workplace, which assess daily the effectiveness of the measures adopted and the need to adopt new measures, if applicable, depending on the evolution of the situation, always with the objective of mitigating the possible consequences for people's health and for the company's activity.
Ercros is also applying specific measures for external personnel who regularly work at its facilities, for transporters who load or unload at its factories and for the rest of the people who must access one of its centres on time.
Likewise, it has contacted its suppliers to ensure the availability of the raw materials required by its production processes and avoid a disruption of its production.