Ercros joins VinylPlus 2030


Ercros, through ECVM, an organization that encompasses European PVC manufacturers, has adhered to the VinylPlus 2030 commitment, the objective of which is to proactively contribute to global sustainable development and which is promoted by the European PVC industry.

VinylPlus 2030 contains 12 action areas, structured in three routes: the first, expanding the circularity of the PVC value chain; the second, progress towards carbon neutrality and minimization of the environmental footprint of PVC production and products; and the third, creation of global coalitions and partnerships to the achievement of the SDGs.

Each action area contains its corresponding quantifiable objectives with deadlines, including:

  • Introduce, at least, 900,000 tons of recycled PVC per year from 2025 and 1 million tons from 2030, in new products.
  • Set particularly ambitious recycling targets by the end of 2024.
  • Establish additional collection programs to reduce landfills by the end of 2023.
  • Develop at least one sorting technology for PVC waste with specific additives by the end of 2025.
  • Identify and evaluate relevant chemical recycling technologies for plastic waste containing PVC by the end of 2022.
  • Report on the carbon reduction to be achieved from 2030, on the use of renewable energy and on the supply of sustainable raw materials by the end of 2025.

The objectives of the commitment will be subject to a mid-term review, in 2025, in order to take into account technological advances and the evolution of the socio-economic, regulatory and environmental framework.

VinylPlus 2030 encompasses producers, converters, recyclers and manufacturers of PVC additives from the 27 member countries of the EU, Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.