Ercros participates in the dual Degree in Chemistry closing ceremony


Belen Brota, head of the technical quality and environment department of the industrial complex of Tarragona ("CIT"); Manel Tierno, responsible for R&D of the plastics business, and Mario Lorenzo, head of industrial relations at the CIT, participated in the closing ceremony of the Degree in Chemistry with dual mention at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili ("URV").

At the event, the end-of-degree theses of students who have taken this modality were defended, including student Armand Biel Martori, who did his curricular internship at Ercros and who presented his work "Development of an analytical method to determine transparency in PVC resins".

The URV introduced the dual training for this Degree in Chemistry in the 2021-2022 academic year and from the first moment it had the support of Ercros. One of the main goals of the dual major is for students to immerse themselves in the professional world during their final year of study.

Dual training offers multiple advantages: for students, it involves obtaining an advanced professional qualification and accelerating their employment, and for companies, it guarantees a constant flow of qualified personnel.