Ercros participates in the III Economic Forum of the Terres de l'Ebre

Ercros has participated in the celebration of the III Economic Forum of the Terres de l'Ebre organized by the City Council of Tortosa.
Àngel Punzano, director of the Ercros factory in Tortosa, took part in the panel discussion "Terres de l'Ebre, technology and territory", a meeting that highlighted the industrial, technological and business potential of the territory.
The workshop also had the presence of several speakers such as Xavier Sala Martin, professor at Columbia University and expert in studies on economic growth; Mònica Mendoza, businesswoman and expert in commercial training and personal development; Josep Vàzquez, consultant and energy expert; and Juan Antonio Duro, vice-rector for Infrastructure Economy and Institutional Relations at the Rovira i Virgili University.
The Economic Forum, which was held at the recently opened Espai Joan Moreira in the Ferreries district of Tortosa, was chaired by the mayor of the city, Meritxell Roigé.