Ercros, recognised for its commitment to reducing CO2

Ercros, recognised for its commitment to reducing CO2
Amadeu Ricart, head of Quality, environment and laboratory at the Ercros factory in Cerdanyola, receives the diploma

The Ercros factory in Cerdanyola has been recognised for its adherence to the Programme of voluntary agreements for the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, promoted by the Generalitat de Catalunya.

This programme is a tool promoted by the Catalan Office for Climate Change that offers companies the opportunity to commit to reducing their GHG emissions, beyond the requirements established in the regulations.

The diploma certifying the factory's adherence to the programme was presented by the councillor for Climate action, food and rural agenda, David Mascort, and the director general for Environmental quality and climate change, Mireia Boya. The award was received by Amadeu Ricart, head of Quality, environment and laboratory at the Ercros factory in Cerdanyola, on behalf of the company.

Ercros works to develop innovative and sustainable solutions to minimise the environmental impact of its operations and promote environmentally friendly production.