Ercros reduces its greenhouse gas emissions by 11% and its accident rate by 34%

Ercros has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions rate by 11% in 2018 compared to the previous year, while the total emissions rate has been reduced by 15.5% in homogeneous terms compared to 2017.
As regards the accident rate, the general frequency rate of own accidents – which measures the number of accidents with and without loss of own personnel for every million hours worked – fell by 34% between 2017 and 2018.
In addition to the reduction of direct emissions in its factories, in 2018, Ercros managed to save 1,647 tons of CO2 thanks to the logistical and operational improvements carried out that made it possible to reduce the distance traveled in the transport of soda by 2.36 million kilometers caustic. On the one hand, Ercros has rented storage tanks in port terminals in Tarragona, Barcelona, Bilbao, Ferrol, Seville and Genoa, in order to bring soda closer to customers, and, on the other, it has adapted the electrolysis plant of the Sabiñánigo factory (Huesca) so that it can manufacture potash and soda indistinctly, and, with this, be self-sufficient in soda avoiding its supply from the Vila-seca I factory (Tarragona).
Also in environmental matters, it is worth noting the signing of a voluntary agreement, the ECVM Charter, by the members of the European Council of Vinyl Manufacturers (ECVM), among which is Ercros. By said agreement they undertake to measure and control the production, use and disposal of vinyl (EDC, VCM and PVC) in order to, if applicable, reduce their environmental impact.
The centers of Flix, Cerdanyola and Aranjuez received the Feique 2018 Safety Award, which is awarded by the Spanish Chemical Industry Business Federation (Feique) to those companies with more than 50 workers that did not suffer any work accidents among their own personnel, with or without low and, therefore, they achieved their own general frequency index equal to zero.