Ercros scores 85/100 on the Responsible Care questionnaire


Ercros has obtained a score of 85 out of 100 in the self-assessment questionnaire of the Responsible Care programme, a score higher than that obtained in 2023, and above the average of the companies that have completed this questionnaire.

With this, it has renewed the CSR certification as a responsible company, an initiative of the global chemical industry that, in Spain, is promoted by the Business Federation of the Spanish Chemical Industry (Feique).

This certificate, which is renewed every two years, guarantees the company's commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, and compliance with a series of requirements in terms of safety, health and environmental protection.

Ercros is a benchmark company in the application of the Responsible Care programme, to which it has been committed since 1994, This voluntary initiative is already applied in 580 companies across more than 70 countries worldwide and is based on an integrated vision that balances the legitimate development of chemical companies’ productive activities with the industry’s contribution to social well-being and sustainable development.

All the information about the Responsible Care certificate, here