Ercros will hold its shareholders' meeting exclusively telematically

The board of directors of Ercros, S.A. (“Ercros” or the “Company”), in its meeting held on 20 May 2020, has resolved to hold the ordinary general shareholders meeting exclusively by electronic means, without the physical attendance of shareholders or representatives, on the same date and time specified in the call announcement.
The meeting is scheduled to take place at the company’s registered office (Avda. Diagonal 593-595, Barcelona) on 4 June 2020 at 12pm on first call and, if the necessary quorum is not meet, at the same time and venue on 5 June 2020 on second call (the “meeting”). Shareholders are informed that, based on past experience, the meeting will likely be held on second call, that is, Friday 5 June at 12pm
The board of directors has taken this decision—in accordance with Royal Decree Law 8/2020 of 17 March—taking into account the fact that restrictions on mobility and mass gatherings imposed by healthcare and government authorities under Royal Decree 463/2020 of 14 March, declaring a state of emergency to combat the COVID-19 health crisis remain in force, and in an effort to safeguard the general interests and health of the Company’s shareholders and those involved in organising and holding the meeting.
Online attendance is a new way for shareholders and representatives to participate in the meeting remotely and in real time, while exercising their right to attend, delegate and vote through the remote participation platform located on the corporate website ( For all intents and purposes, remote attendance will be considered an equivalent substitution for in-person attendance.
Shareholders who, having the right, wish to attend the meeting electronically and exercise their rights must register in advance until 2 June 2020, inclusive, in accordance with the rules for online and remote participation, which are available to shareholders on the corporate website.
Previously registered shareholders and representatives will be able to access the platform from 9am to 12pm on the day of the meeting and follow the live broadcast.
Shareholders are also reminded that they may confer their delegation or exercise their right to vote in advance of the meeting date, until 2 June 2020, inclusive, by the following means: (i) by sending an email to “