The factories of Aranjuez, Cerdanyola and Flix, awarded for their job security

The factories of Ercros in Aranjuez, Cerdanyola and Flix have received the Security Feique 2018 prize, awarded by the Business Federation of the Spanish Chemical Industry (Feique) and which recognizes those production centres in the chemical sector of more than 50 workers that during the last year obtained a general frequency index of accident equal to zero: that is, they did not suffer any work accidents with or without leave or among their own personnel.
Javier Pinilla, director of the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (INSST) and Juan Antonio Labat, general director of Feique have made the awards ceremony, this Tuesday in Madrid. On behalf of Ercros have collected the awards: Mª Carmen Cruzado, director of the pharmacy division to which the Aranjuez factory belongs, Angel Punzano, director of the Cerdanyola factory and, Jaime Molina, director of the Flix factory. On the other hand, Carmelo Urieta, president of the federation's security commission and responsible for prevention in Ercros, was in charge of presenting the Report on Occupational Accidents of the Chemical Sector 2018.
The Ercros factory in Aranjuez has a workforce of 223 workers, and produces and markets raw materials and intermediate products for the pharmaceutical industry, mainly in the field of antibiotics, obtained both by fermentation and by chemical synthesis.
The Cerdanyola plant has 105 workers, produces moulding compounds and has just expanded its capacity by 3,000 t/year, which represents an increase of 14% to reach 25,000 t/year.
The Flix factory, on the other hand, has a workforce of 66 workers and currently produces dicalcium phosphate, a product that is used in the manufacture of animal feed.
Ercros has voluntarily joined the Responsible Care program since 1994, whose aim is to ensure that chemical companies, in the development of their activity, achieve continuous improvements in relation to the safety and protection of the health of their workers, the protection of people and facilities, the environment, product stewardship, communication and transparency.