Hydroelectric energy within the reach of young people

Luiz Gabriel Campos, R+D technician at the Ercros Vila-seca II factory, has been a scientific sponsor in the Repte Experimenta program of the Rovira i Virgili University (URV). His mission in this initiative has been to accompany a group of students from the Collblanc Institute in La Canonja carrying out an experiment. The purpose of the program is to encourage practical learning of science through curiosity.
The experiment, carried out by Campos and his students, consisted in the construction of a water wheel to understand hydroelectric energy. To do this, they have placed a bottle high full of water whose liquid has been poured, by the effect of gravity, on some blades, thus generating the energy necessary to move a turbine and turn on a light bulb.
This experiment has illustrated, in a simple and didactic way, how the potential energy of water stored in high places can be transformed into electricity, which is the operation principle of dams and hydroelectric power plants.
Ercros has been collaborating for years with the Repte Experimenta program, promoted by the URV, the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the Catalan Institute for Chemical Research. Through this initiative, the company reaffirms its commitment to education and the promotion of scientific talent among young people.
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