Middle grade students of chemical plant visit the factory in Sabiñánigo


A group of 14 intermediate vocational training students from the chemical plant of the José Mor de Fuentes High School from Monzón and their teachers have visited the Ercros factory in Sabiñánigo to learn about one of the most important industrial companies in the province of Huesca.

Technical personnel from the factory have explained to the visitors the activity of Ercros and its production centres, as well as the operation and the products that are manufactured in Sabiñánigo. Afterwards, the group has visited the hydrogen peroxide, sodium chlorate and chlorine - caustic soda plants.

The visit has been highly valued by the teachers, since the students have been able to see first-hand the practical part of their theoretical studies.

The hundred-year-old Sabiñánigo factory belongs to the Ercros chlorine derivatives division, has a headcount of 220 people and in recent years has expanded its production capacity to meet the growing demand for its products in the market.