Sabiñanigo factory did not suffer any work accident in 2021

For the second consecutive year, the Sabiñánigo factory did not have any work accident among its own staff, which has earned it the recognition of the Business Federation of the Spanish Chemical Industry (Feique), which has awarded it the Feique Safety Award 2021.
The overall accident frequency rate – which measures accidents between own and external staff (with and without sick leave) per million hours worked – fell by 27.2% compared to the average of the last five years.
The Sabiñánigo center has certified the occupational safety management according to ISO 45001, quality management according to ISO 9001, environmental management according to ISO 14001 and energy management according to ISO 50001; and verified its CO2 emissions according to ISO 14064. It is also included in the European environmental audit and management register EMAS.
The performance of Ercros in all aspects of sustainability has earned it the Platinum classification in the international rating EcoVadis, obtaining a score of 84 out of 100 with which Ercros is among the 1% with the best compliance with good ESG practices (environmental, social and governance) of the 75,000 companies evaluated, and has obtained an A rating and 77 points out of 100 in the ESG Rating 2021 of the Spanish Institute of Financial Analysts. Likewise, the company has been certified as a CSR Company in the Excellence category, by the Responsible Care program of the global chemical sector.
The Sabiñánigo factory is part of the chlorine derivatives division of Ercros. It directly employs about 215 people. In 2021 it had a turnover of more than 90 million euros and exported almost 60% of its sales. This center is focused on the production of chlorine, caustic soda, and chlorinated derivatives, like sodium hypochlorite, hydrochloric acid, and tablets for the treatment of swimming pool water. With whose last product it is the first European manufacturer, as well as sodium chlorite, used mainly to purify water in desalination plants; and it is the first producer in Spain of sodium chlorate (which is used to bleach paper and textile fibers).