Students of the Biello Aragón Institute visit Sabiñánigo


A group of 29 fourth-year ESO students from the Biello Aragón Institute in Sabiñánigo, accompanied by their teachers, have visited the Ercros factory facilities in this town.

The visit began with a brief explanation from the technical staff of the factory about the company, its production centres and the productive activity carried out in Sabiñánigo. Later, the group visited the general laboratory and the hydrogen peroxide and sodium chlorate plants to see first-hand how they work.

The students and teachers valued the visit positively and highlighted the great interest of knowing an industrial plant in their city.

With more than a century of life and a workforce of 230 people, the Sabiñánigo factory focuses its activity on the manufacture of chlorine derivatives. It exports 60% of its production and is the first European manufacturer of TCCA, an essential product for the treatment of swimming pool water.