Students of the University of Valladolid visit Vila-seca I

Students of the degree and master's degree in chemical engineering at the University of Valladolid have visited the Vila-seca I factory of Ercros. A visit that, on this occasion, has had a technical approach due to the high degree of knowledge of the students.
Fernando Burgueño, head of operations of the Vila-seca I factory, and Silvia Padró, training technician, were in charge of welcoming the group, composed of 31 students and five teachers. Burgueño made a general presentation of the factory, detailing the production process of the different manufacturing lines, as well as the synergies with the other companies of the Tarragona chemical polygon.
The day ended with a tour on the factory facilities, where the students received explanations from the center technical staff about the operation of the different plants.
Teachers and students made a positive assessment of the visit and highlighted its high academic interest.