Supplement to the notice of the ordinary shareholders' meeting (in Spanish)

In accordance with the provisions of article 519 of the Capital Companies Law, and in response to the request of shareholders holding 3.25% of the share capital notified to the Company on May 10, 2021, the Ercros board of directors publishes the following supplement to call the ordinary general shareholders' meeting, which will be held exclusively electronically at the registered office (located at Avda. Diagonal 593-595 in Barcelona), on June 10, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. , on first call, and, if the necessary quorum is not present, on June 11, 2021, at the same place and time, on second call.
By virtue of the foregoing, the call for the meeting published on May 5, 2021 in the newspaper "El Economista", on the Company's corporate website and on the website of the National Securities Market Commission, is supplemented. incorporating five new items on the agenda, in addition to those that appear in the notice of the general meeting, with the following wording, literal transcription of the supplement request received at the registered office.