We participate in the Occupational Risk Prevention Forum

Rosa Ferràs, head of technical prevention at the Ercros factory in Tortosa, has spoken at the Professional Forum on the Prevention of Occupational Risks organized by the Catalan employers' association Foment del Treball, within the framework of its program to promote occupational health and safety as a strategy for the competitiveness of companies.
During the meeting, experts from various sectors addressed innovation in risk management through artificial intelligence and the need to develop new skills in this field.
In her presentation, Rosa Ferràs spoke of the comprehensive vision of ergonomics and the human factor in companies in the chemical sector, where prevention must be a priority factor. During her presentation, she explained training practices to prevent occupational risks and avoid accidents through augmented reality.
With this participation, Ercros reaffirms its commitment to safety, the well-being of its employees and the development of a safe work environment.