ErcrosGreen+, ultra-low emission resins

The ErcrosGreen+ range of resins is composed of resins and adhesives with a formaldehyde emission level so low that it reaches the values of natural wood. This range arises from the technological evolution of this application of formaldehyde, driven by the R&D department of the Ercros intermediate chemistry division.
We currently have a wide portfolio of high-performance resins for various industrial sectors: wood and furniture, insulation, paper impregnation and impregnation of mineral and synthetic fibres, among others.
"Ercros has been evolving its resins by introducing improvements in their properties and reducing their emissions by 90 %"
The values of natural wood
The technological evolution of resins has given birth to ErcrosGreen+, a technology based on formaldehyde, with an ultra-low level of emissions that can reach the values of natural wood. Since the 1990s, Ercros has evolved its resins by improving their properties and reducing emissions by 90%.
The ErcrosGreen+ range has been designed to meet the strictest standards and recommendations in Europe, the USA and Japan.
This range includes LEF (low emission formaldehyde) and ULEF (ultra low emission formaldehyde) resins.
At Ercros we continue to make progress in reducing emissions in order to anticipate the needs of society, industry and institutions, while prioritising innovation and promoting respect and care for the environment.