Between our products and lower CO2 emissions into the atmosphere

Between our products and lower CO2 emissions into the atmosphere
«At Flix we have traditionally had a very powerful industry. When I was young, chemistry was everywhere. You noticed it. Personally, I had always really liked science, asking myself questions, deciphering the answers, finding solutions, so when it came to deciding I opted for this profession, something that surprised my family, who was not dedicated to the sector. I started searching in the area, in Terres de l'Ebre, and I was lucky enough to enter Derivados Forestales, which is now Ercros.
Teresa Camarasa Palliso is the head of the Research Department of the Intermediate Chemistry Division of Ercros, located in Tortosa, with a team of around twenty people, in charge of improvement projects, both in the plants and in the search for new products. that provide added value to the company and, therefore, have an impact on society.
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