Visitors and access control privacy statement

If you are a visitor to any Ercros site, this is the privacy statement that applies to you

Visits and access control to Ercros' sites privacy statement (in Spanish)

Visitors to Ercros' sites data protection

Ercros S.A., in compliance with the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 2016/679) and the Organic Law on data protection and guarantees of digital rights, has adopted the necessary technical and organisational measures to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration and unauthorised access to personal data provided by customers and suppliers, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data and the risks to which they are exposed.

Who is responsible for your data?

  • Data controller: Ercros, S.A.
  • Registered office: Avda. Diagonal 593-595, 10th floor, 08014 Barcelona.
  • Contact: phone: (+34) 934 393 009 - Fax: (+34) 934 308 073 - E-mail:
  • Registration data: inscription in the Barcelona Mercantile Register, Volume 8.880, Folio 182, Page 47.063 -NG.
  • TAX ID NUMBER: A-08000630.

For what purpose will the data be processed and what is their legitimacy?

Security and access control at Ercros' facilities

Ercros has access control systems and video surveillance cameras whose purpose is the security of our facilities and personnel control.

The legitimate basis for the processing is the legitimate interest of Ercros in preventing or, where appropriate, investigating possible incidents occurring at its facilities, as well as complying with the obligations arising from the coordination of business activities, emergency plans and other possible actions in relation to the personnel located at our facilities.

Visits and events

The management of visits to our facilities, or of those people who are invited to or sign up for an event organised or sponsored by Ercros, is another of the processing that may be carried out by our organisation.

In the case of events, it is possible that Ercros may take images of the event for the purpose of public dissemination, of which the interested party shall be informed so that they may either decline to attend the event or exercise their rights. The data subject's consent is the legitimate basis that enables us to process their data in this case.

What data are collected?

In order to carry out the above-mentioned treatments, the following information needs to be collected for each of them:

  • Name, surname and ID card number.
  • Time of entry and exit from our facilities.
  • Images in video surveillance systems.

How long will we keep your data?

The personal data you provide us with will be kept for as long as our relationship with you lasts and you do not request their deletion. 

Subsequently, and where appropriate, we may keep them blocked for the period of limitation of criminal, civil, commercial and/or administrative liabilities.

In the specific case of videotaped images, your personal data will be cancelled after a period of one month, unless some circumstance arises that requires their conservation, in which case they will be duly blocked for the period of time in which any liability may arise from the processing of the data.

In the specific case of a security incident that requires action to be taken with the State security forces, the cancellation period will be 72 hours from the month of recording.

What are your rights?

You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, suppression, limitation of processing, data portability and opposition by the following means: 

  • Sending a written communication to the registered office of Ercros, S.A., indicating: "For the attention of the person responsible for privacy - Exercise of rights", or
  • By e-mail: