Public grants

All public grants received by Ercros in recent years and the corresponding collaborating entities

Public aids granted

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Collaboration agreements

Ercros carries out its R&D activity in collaboration with universities and leading technological research centers, with whom it maintains joint programs for the development of projects.

Acció agency

Business and Knowledge Department- Generalitat de Catalunya

Industrial Technological Development Center (CDTI)

Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge

National Center for Renewable Energy (Cener)

Ministry of Science and Innovation, Ciemat, Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, and Government of Navarra

Catalan Plastic Center (CCP)

Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC)

Citius Program

Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)

Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC)

Ministry of Science and Innovation

Institute for Diversification and Energy Savings (IDAE)

Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge

Sarria Chemical Institute (IQS)

Ramon Llull University

Leartiker Technology Center

Basque Science and Technology Network

Polymat Institute

University of the Basque Country

UAM-Ercros Chair

Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM)

Chemical Engineering Department

Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC)

Chemical Technology Institute (ITQ)

Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV-CSIC)

Office of Transfer of Research Results (OTRI)

University of Zaragoza (Unizar)