Agreements approved by the 2024 shareholders' meeting

Shareholders' meeting

The ordinary shareholders' meeting of Ercros, held in Barcelona, on June 16, 2023, has approved all the resolution proposals included in the agenda:

  1. Approval of the annual accounts and management report of the Company and its consolidated Group, which includes the annual corporate governance report in a separate document; and social management.
  2. Approval of the proposal to apply the individual results obtained by the Company, which includes the distribution of a dividend in the amount of 0.096 euros gross per share, payable on July 10, 2024, all corresponding to the year closed on December 31, 2023. 
  3. Approval of the non-financial information statement (annual corporate social responsibility report) of the Company and its consolidated Group, corresponding to the year closed on December 31, 2023.
  4. Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores, S.L. as auditor of accounts of the Company and its consolidated Group for the financial years 2024, 2025 and 2026. 
  5. Re-election of Mr. Antonio Zabalza Martí as executive director. 
  6. Re-election of Ms. Lourdes Vega Fernández as independent director.
  7. Re-election of Mr. Laureano Roldán Aguilar as external director.
  8. Re-election of Mr. Eduardo Sánchez Morrondo as external director.
  9. Re-election of Mr. Joan Casas Galofré as proprietary director.
  10. Advisory vote on the annual report on directors' remuneration corresponding to fiscal year 2023.
  11. Delegation of powers to the CEO and the secretary of the board of directors for the interpretation, correction, complement, execution and development of the agreements adopted by the meeting, and delegation of powers to elevate them to instrument public and registration of the agreements and, where appropriate, for their correction.


The 5.296 shareholders holding 65.279.457 shares, representing 71,393% of the subscribed capital, attended the meeting. 17,157% of the share capital, corresponding to 390 shareholders holding 15.687.489 shares, has been present. Of these, 160 shareholders, representing 8,174% of the share capital, have cast their vote by delivery or postal correspondence and 182 shareholders, representing 4,299% of the share capital, have cast their vote by electronic means. 54,237% of the share capital, corresponding to 4.906 shareholders holding 49.591.968 shares, has been represented. All votes cast have been valid.

Ercros guarantees that the relevant facts contained on this page correspond exactly to those sent by the Company to the CNMV, and disseminated by it to the market. The facts prior to those included in this section are available on the CNMV website.

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