Appointment of the president and the members of the committees

Corporate governance

Appointment of the president and members of the committees

The Ercros board of directors, in a meeting held after the shareholders meeting held on June 28, 2024, has unanimously approved the re-election of Antonio Zabalza Martí, as president and CEO of Ercros, after his re-election as executive director by the aforementioned meeting.

The board also appointed the members of the board's delegate committees, which have been configured as follows:

  • The audit committee will be chaired by Carme Moragues Josa, independent director, and will have as members Lourdes Vega Fernández, independent director, and Laureano Roldán Aguilar, external director.
  • The appointments, remuneration, sustainability and corporate social responsibility committee is chaired by Ms. Vega, independent director, and will have as members Ms. Moragues, independent director, and Eduardo Sánchez Morrondo, external director.
  • The strategy and investments committee will be chaired by Mr. Zabalza, president and CEO, and will have as members Ms. Vega, independent director, and Joan Casas Galofré, proprietary director.

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Corporate governance
Corporate governance
Corporate governance