Chairman's speech at the 2024 shareholders' meeting

Shareholders' meeting

In his speech before the shareholders meeting, held in Barcelona, ​​on June 28, 2024, the chairman of the company, Antonio Zabalza, highlighted that we are in an atypical moment due to the unsolicited takeover bid that Bondalti has launched on Ercros, and of the competing takeover bid of Esseco just announced this Friday morning.

Zabalza has reiterated the company's confidence in the industrial project that it has been building in recent years, and has added that the phase of cyclical weakness will give way to a recovery that "will lead to a significant structural leap in the company's productive efficiency with the complete execution of the 3D Plan and the additional investments that are already being contemplated".

Ercros guarantees that the relevant facts contained on this page correspond exactly to those sent by the Company to the CNMV, and disseminated by it to the market. The facts prior to those included in this section are available on the CNMV website.

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Shareholders' meeting