Purchase of treasury shares announcement

In accordance with the provisions of article 228 of Royal Legislative Decree 4/2015, of October 23, which approves the revised text of the Securities Market Law, Ercros, S.A. (hereinafter, "the Company"), by means of this letter, communicates the following


As a continuation of the relevant events (no. 262,474 and 266,852), published on March 1 and June 15, 2018, respectively, the Company reports that, under the third and fourth share repurchase program to amortize, during the period between July 2 and 10, 2018, has carried out the purchase of 63,605 treasury shares. At present, the Company holds 3,569,533 treasury shares.

Ercros guarantees that the relevant facts contained on this page correspond exactly to those sent by the Company to the CNMV, and disseminated by it to the market. The facts prior to those included in this section are available on the CNMV website.