
EcoVadis ranks Ercros in the top 1% of evaluated companies

Ercros' ESG practices earn the highest distinction in the EcoVadis rating

Ercros has achieved 87 out of 100 points in the international EcoVadis rating, which evaluates the ESG (environmental, social and governance) practices of companies. With this score, Ercros ranks among the top 1% of 20,000 companies analysed, enabling the company to receive the Platinum recognition for the third consecutive year. 

It should be noted that Ercros' results are well above the average for companies in its industry. EcoVadis has also identified 168 strengths of Ercros' sustainability performance, including the implementation of quantifiable objectives to reduce emissions and energy consumption, as well as the certification of its environmental management in accordance with the most demanding international standards. 

EcoVadis is an independent international organisation whose rating aims to assess the ESG practices of companies.

Wastewater treatment plant in the Aranjuez factory la fábrica de Aranjuez
Wastewater treatment plant

Ercros EcoVadis rating details

Logo EcoVadis curso

EcoVadis rating details

"Platinum" category