The OCS is a global voluntary commitment signed by the Vila-seca II and Monzón factories, which pursues the objective of zero losses of microplastics

Prepared against the accidental loss of PVC pellets

Our Monzón and Vila-seca II facilities have a system to collect accidental losses of plastic micro-waste, in order to prevent them from ending up in the soil and the aquatic environment.

Both factories have subscribed to the Operation Clean Sweep (OCS) program, a global voluntary commitment of the plastics industry that pursues the objective of zero pellet losses, whose certification - which they have obtained from Aenor - accredits compliance with regulations on microplastics. This initiative is supported by the Ministry of Ecological Transition.

The OCS certification aligns with the standardized European scheme established by Plastics Europe and EuPC, representing associations of European plastic manufacturers and processors. This certification underscores Ercros' dedication to minimizing unintentional pellet losses within its processes. Moreover, it emphasizes Ercros' focus on addressing the root causes rather than merely mitigating the resulting consequences.

Decalogue of good OCS practices in Vila-seca II (operation clean sweep)
Decalogue of good OCS practices in Vila-seca II
Filter to prevent microplastic loss
The Monzon factory is a pioneer in implementing measures to prevent the loss of microplastics

OCS certificate of our factories


E21/000038 (in Spanish)

Vila-seca II

E21/000039 (in Spanish)