25 new students in internships at the Aranjuez factory

They are young, have very different studies and have just joined the Ercros factory in Aranjuez; a centre that this year will host and train 25 intern students.
In recent years this factory has become a reference centre in the training of the operating and technical personnel of the future. In the course that has just begun, the factory has opened its doors to dual vocational training students in the specialties of mechatronics, chemical plant operator and laboratory analyst. It also welcomes students, among others, from the master's degree in pharmaceutical industry at the European University and the joint master's degree in organic chemistry at the Complutense University of Madrid/Autonomous University of Madrid.
It should be noted that almost all departments of the factory have a new student among their personnel. The students are mentored by Ercros staff and receive training adapted to the reality and needs of the current pharmaceutical industry; thanks to this, their incorporation into the labour world is quick and not very complex.
The Aranjuez factory belongs to the pharmaceuticals division of Ercros, is dedicated to the manufacture of antibiotics, has a staff of more than 200 people and exports 90% of its production.