Ercros and the unions sign the redundancy plan for the Flix factory


The management and the unions Ercros’ representatives have signed today the final act of the agreement on the redundancy plan for the workforce of the Flix factory, whose cessation of activity of the dicalcium phosphate plant is scheduled for January 1, 2023.

Finally, the redundancy plan will affect 39 people of the 48 who currently work in this factory. The remaining nine people will maintain their employment at the factory for surveillance, maintenance, and dismantling.

The redundancy plan contemplates transfer relocations to other Ercros work centers, exchanges with people from other centers, partial retirements, income plan and compensated leaves.

The reason for the closure of the Flix plant is the termination, on December 31, 2022, of the contracts for the supply of hydrochloric acid and maquila for the manufacture of dicalcium phosphate.