Ercros certifies its criminal compliance according to the UNE 19601 standard

Ercros certifies its criminal compliance according to the UNE 19601 standard
Asunción Loste and Xavier Àlvarez, from the compliance committee, together with representatives of the certifying company

Ercros has certified its criminal compliance according to the UNE 19601 standard, an accreditation that certifies the company's performance in reducing criminal risks and promoting crime prevention.

The members of the Ercros compliance committee, Asunción Loste, director of the legal service, and Xavier Alvarez, director of the internal audit service, have been in charge of receiving the accreditation from Jordi Martín, director of Aenor Catalunya, and Israel Carvajal, business development technician at Aenor, the company that carried out the audit for the certification of said accreditation.

The UNE 19601 standard establishes the requirements of the criminal compliance system that accredited companies must guarantee, among others: preventing actions that may constitute criminal offences, promoting a culture of prevention and compliance among company personnel, establishing surveillance measures necessary to reduce the risk of crimes to be committed and offer a greater guarantee of security to shareholders, investors and other interest groups.