Ercros informs about the purchase of 77,000 treasury shares

Between June, 23 and July, 1, has carried out the purchase of 77,000 treasury shares, representative of 0.08% of the share capital. The breakdown of said purchases is as follows:
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On June 22, 2022, the Company completed the sixth treasury share repurchase program. On that date, the Company held 4,372,048 treasury shares (4.33%) that are in the process of being redeemed in execution of the capital reduction agreement approved by the general meeting of shareholders held on June 10, 2022.
On June 23, 2022, the Company has initiated the seventh treasury share repurchase program for redemption charged to the 2022 pay-out.
Click on the document below to have the detail of the operations carried out from June, 23 to July, 1.