Ercros reduces 6,400 t/year of CO2 thanks to the crystallization plant

Ercros has managed to reduce its direct CO2 emissions by around 6,400 tonnes per year thanks to the new salt crystallisation plant, which has been commissioned at the Sabiñánigo factory (Huesca) and which allows the total circularity of the residual brine.
The crystallization plant makes it possible to use all the brine (salt-saturated in water solution) obtained as a by-product in the ATCC manufacturing plant, a product mainly used for the treatment of pool water.
The function of this plant is to separate the brine into solid salt and water condensate, which are in turn reused in different processes of the factory. Specifically, the salt obtained -of excellent quality- is used as raw material in the chlorine and caustic soda production plant.
The new facility replaces the old concentration plant that used steam as a heating agent for water evaporation, thus consuming natural gas. The current plant compresses the evaporated vapours from the brine and uses them as a heating agent.
This action has received a grant from the Aid program for energy efficiency actions in SMEs and large companies in the industrial sector, of the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE) of the Autonomous Community of Aragon, and is part of Ercros' investment plan, 3D Plan, for the Sabiñánigo factory.
For more information about the Sabiñánigo de Ercros factory click here.