Ercros supports the Rights of the Merchandise in transport


Mónica Viloria, Head of Transport and Foreign Trade at Ercros, participated in a round table organized by the Transprime-European Shippers Council (ESC) at the International Logistics Fair (SIL) held in Barcelona.

The theme of the round table was the "Rights of the merchandise" (Bill of Cargo Rigths), a global initiative to balance the relations between cargo companies and shipping companies. This initiative seeks to establish principles that ensure equality between both parties and avoid problems , especially in situations of high demand and shortage of means of transport Among the outstanding rights are the fair negotiation of contracts, compliance with stipulated dates, compensation for breaches of contract and maintenance of containers in good condition .

During the round table, Viloria referred to frequent problems that cargo companies have to deal with, such as the selection of cargo by shipping companies, non-compliance with contractual terms and the lack of availability of means. She also highlighted the importance of shipping companies assuming this initiative as a differentiating element in the quality of their services.

Ercros supports the rights of merchandise to promote fair and efficient commercial relations in international transport.