Ercros Dual Vocational Training obtains the certificate of excellence
The Applus+ certifying company recognizes the dual vocational training practices carried out in the company corporation.

The dual professional training practices that are carried out in the Ercros corporation have obtained the accreditation seal of excellence granted by the certifying company Applus+. The practical training carried out at Ercros is also recognized by the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
Currently, the Ercros corporation welcomes seven people on internship contracts, four of whom are studying international trade at the Lluïsa Cura Institute in Barcelona, in the Dual Vocational training modality and are doing their internships in the customer service department.
This modality of teaching, increasingly present in companies, gives special importance to the practical training of students. For nine months, Ercros students are integrated in the work team of the corresponding departments. This way, once the term is over, they have a global knowledge of international trade management from a company's point of view.