Diversification, decarbonisation and digitalisation - the three pillars of Ercros' strategy - are our R&D objectives

Five active patents
Ercros' R&D activity is focused on:
- The development of new products with high added value.
- New applications of consolidated products.
- Improving the efficiency of production processes.
- Expansion of production capacity.
Ercros has five patents registered and in force and two more in process.
The company has four R&D centres of its own, located in the Aranjuez, Monzón, Sabiñánigo and Tortosa factories, which serve the pharmaceutical, plastics, basic chemicals and intermediate chemicals activities, respectively.
The 3D Plan guides R&D activity
Diversification, decarbonisation and digitalisation, the three dimensions of Ercros' strategic plan, the 3D Plan, guide R&D activity. This plan follows Plan Act, which ended in 2020 and has involved modernising, improving energy efficiency and increasing the capacity of several production facilities.
The 3D Plan, in force for the period 2021-2029, aims to transform Ercros into a sustainable company; it contains 20 projects, framed in the three dimensions:
- The aim of diversification is to control and, if possible, reduce Ercros' strong cyclical dependence on the chlorine-soda business.
- The objective of digitalisation is to improve Ercros' competitiveness by reducing operating costs, increasing the volume of production and sales, and strengthening customer loyalty.
- The objective of decarbonisation is to intensify the efforts Ercros is already making to mitigate climate change and adapt to the new regulatory framework for industrial activity. We expect that at the end of the first phase of the 3D Plan, in 2025, the direct CO2 emissions generated by the company's activity will have been reduced by 39% vs. 2020.
The 3D Plan foresees an investment of 92 million euros and an additional cumulative ebitda generation of 194 million euros. The plan is being financed with internally generated resources and European and other public aid, such as a EUR 40 million loan granted by the European Investment Bank (EIB). The premise is that the implementation of the plan will not jeopardise the company's financial solvency or shareholder remuneration.
Some of the new sustainable products we are developing
The ErcrosBio family consists of new materials based on biologically derived, renewable, recyclable, biodegradable and compostable aliphatic polyesters. Their plastic properties give them the technical potential to replace many of the most commonly used plastics.
The application of microencapsulation technology in swimming pool water treatment tablets allows to disinfect the water while incorporating additives that improve the well-being of bathers.
The ErcrosGreen+ range is composed of resins and adhesives with a formaldehyde emission level so low that it reaches the values of natural wood.
The ErcrosTech family consists of technical polymers with a high degree of technological innovation, to be used in applications with high requirements.
New future-oriented applications for well-established products
The use of sodium chlorite in desalination plants is expanding due to its special suitability for drinkable seawater.
Una nueva formulación de compuestos de PVC es idónea para la fabricación aditiva (hilo de impresión 3D) de objetos flexibles, especialmente, prótesis sanitarias.
We manufacture compounds containing more than 25% recycled PVC without losing the properties of the original product.
We use the hydrogen produced in the electrolysis plants, from renewable sources, as "green" energy in other processes.
More modern and efficient processes
The implementation of zero-gap technology in electrolysis plants enables us to reduce electricity consumption by around 10 %.
With the introduction of new sterile pharmaceuticals we can increase the utilisation rate of the new sterilisation plant.
The construction of a new extraction plant will optimise the increased fermentation capacity for active pharmaceutical ingredients.
We have increased energy efficiency in the process of obtaining polyols by developing new technologies.
Further information
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