Cerdanyola ends 2018 without accidents and reduces its emissions by 20%

The Ercros factory in Cerdanyola ended the 2018 financial year without suffering any accidents at work. In the past financial year, its general accident frequency index –which measures accidents with or without leave between its own and external personnel– was 0%, when in the previous year it had been 15.5% and the average of last five years, 11.5%.
For this reason, this factory received the Feique 2018 Safety Award, which is awarded by the Business Federation of the Spanish Chemical Industry (Feique) to those companies with more than 50 own workers that have a general accident frequency rate of zero.
With regard to the accident rate of the company as a whole, the general frequency rate of own accidents fell by 34% between 2017 and 2018.
In environmental matters, the Cerdanyola center, with a workforce of almost 100 people, reduced its emissions rate by 20% in 2018 compared to the average of the last five years and 3% compared to the previous year. This index measures the substances emitted into the air and water and the waste generated, and is a faithful reflection of the company's commitment to the environment and sustainability.
In Ercros as a whole, the rate of direct greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 11%, while the rate of total emissions has been reduced by 15.5% in homogeneous terms compared to 2017.
The Cerdanyola center belongs to the Ercros intermediate chemicals division and produces more than 268 types of molding powders, with a wide variety of applications: from electrical material, such as switches and plugs, to sanitaryware covers and seats, through plugs for the cosmetic industry, buttons, billiard balls or tableware.
The Cerdanyola factory has approved its environmental management system, according to the ISO 14001 standard; of quality, according to the ISO 9001 standard, and of prevention, according to the OHSAS 18001 standard.
Ercros has voluntarily adhered to the Responsible Care program since 1994, which aims to ensure that chemical companies -in the development of their activity- achieve continuous improvements in relation to the safety and protection of the health of their workers, the protection of people and facilities, the environment, product stewardship, communication and transparency.