The director of Sabiñánigo, speaker at a Unizar graduation

Sabiñánigo ,

Elena Simón, director of the Ercros factory in Sabiñánigo, gave the conference “My experience as an engineer in Aragón” at the graduation ceremony for the undergraduate and master's students of the School of Engineering and Architecture (“Eina”) of the University of Zaragoza (“Unizar”).

The ceremony, which took place in the Eina assembly hall, celebrated the graduation of the students of the degrees in Industrial Technology engineering and Computer engineering; and, the master's degrees in Industrial engineering, Computer engineering and Robotics, graphics and computer vision. The event was chaired by the director of the school, José Antonio Yagüe, and by the vice-rector of academic policy at Unizar, José Ángel Castellanos.

After signing the school's honour book, Elena Simón gave a lecture to the graduates based on her personal and professional experience, her achievements and concerns, highlighting work in an industrial company like Ercros and in a rural environment like Sabiñánigo. Simón offered a motivational talk in which she gave some advice for the career development of recent graduates.